You Gotta Read This...
Tech Article: "Making
More HP (a quick Q&A)"
(by Phil - the CCW "Tech" guy)
(For Fuel Flow & Formula's
I get a lot of calls each day
asking the same question "How do I make more power (HP)?".
The answer may not always be exactly the same, and different engines are
affected by different factors, but here I'll explore some of the most
common answers and solutions. Some are pure physics and others are
applicable to specific motors.IPP (myself included), has worked for years in the
development of sport compact motors, with a strong focus on the 2.2
Chevy Cavalier both with street drivers, street/strip and all out
racing. So let's start by addressing N/A (Nat Aspirated) motors
First of all, always remember that when you buy a car from a
dealership, the MFG does not want to see you in their service bay -
especially while the car is still under warranty. What they are
concerned about before your purchase are things such as gas mileage,
longevity (time until the warranty runs out), federal emissions and if
the car looks hot enough for you to buy. That being said, the MFG's
always try to under design motors to just meet that initial
warranty period, hence the stock motor the car comes with. So you will
eventually need to upgrade from stock if you want to get anything extra
HP-wise out of the engine.
Let's start with the basics on HP... [Read
the rest of the Article HERE]